Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Long time no blog

So here I am, back. I'm nursing a broken heart. I had the most wonderful 6 week love affair with a woman perfect for me in so many ways it was astounding. She realized that she was unprepared for a relationship right now, and I am left wounded. I thought I was beyond the tears, but I'm not.

Here is my latest poem:

Into the setting sun

Much has been made over the notion
that life is some sort of journey,
a trek through joy, adversity, ecstasy, and grief.

Some march with determination, others
roam and wander aimlessly, but I
choose to stand still and let life
come to me.

For those who journey, the trip always heads west.
Into the setting sun they travel, ever growing nearer
the end of day.

Yet I stand alone, and face the dawn.
I will not be cowed by life.
I will not hide from love.
I embrace each moment, as I long for the embrace
of my muse.

Life swirls and spins around me,
there is too much to grasp all at once,
life must be sampled, a bit at a time.

Socrates had it wrong.
Do not stop to examine your life.
Live, breathe, cry, laugh, love.
Mostly love.

It is, finally, the loveless life
that is not worth living.
The sun will set in its own time.
I will not step closer to it.


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